Certified Auto Recyclers
Regulatory Agency
The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources is the agency that governs and enforces environmental regulations. The mission of South Dakota DENR is to protect public health and the environment by providing environmental monitoring and natural resource assessment, technical and financial assistance for environmental projects, and environmental regulatory services; all done with reduced red tape, expanded e-government functions, and exceptional customer service to promote a prosperous economy while protecting South Dakota's environment and natural resources for today and tomorrow. For more information visit https://denr.sd.gov.
South Dakota DENR permits for Automotive Recyclers in the state. For more information, contact the Department of Environment & Natural Resources at phone (605) 773-3153.
US EPA, Region 8
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202-1129
800-227-8917 (toll free Region 8 states only: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
Español: 202-564-9924
Stormwater Regulation
The state of South Dakota and the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (SDDNER) were granted delegated authority by the EPA to administer the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Program for wastewater and stormwater discharges associated with construction activity, industrial activity and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) activity. South Dakota instituted a general permitting system to provide a process for project owners and operators to attain permit coverage allowing the discharge of stormwater and wastewater into South Dakota surface waters.
Spill Reporting
SD Notification (605) 773-3296 or After Hours (605) 773-3231
To report a release or spill, call DENR at 605-773-3296 during regular office hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central time). To report the release after hours, on weekends or holidays, call State Radio Communications at 605-773-3231. Reporting the release to DENR does not meet any obligation for reporting to other state, local, or federal agencies. Therefore, the responsible person must also contact local authorities to determine the local reporting requirements for releases. DENR recommends that spills also be reported to the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802.
If the hazardous condition involves the release of an EPA regulated material or an oil as defined by the EPA, the release may also need to be reported to the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802. Federal Reporting is required within 15 minutes of event occurrence or discovery.
Why are spill reporting requirements important? When gasoline, pesticides, solvents, or other substances are spilled or released, there is a potential that surface water, groundwater or human health may be threatened. The South Dakota Regulated Substance Program was established to identify what substances and quantities of substances need to be reported, when they should be reported, and to ensure that a spill or release is contained or remediated as quickly as possible. For more information visit:
National Response Center
If the hazardous condition involves the release of an EPA regulated material or an oil as defined by the EPA, the release may also need to be reported to the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802. Federal Reporting is required within 15 minutes of event occurrence or discovery.
The National Response Center (NRC) is a part of the federally established National Response System and staffed 24 hours a day by the U.S. Coast Guard. It is the designated federal point of contact for reporting all oil, chemical, radiological, biological and etiological discharges into the environment, anywhere in the United States and its territories.
P2Rx is a national partnership of regional pollution prevention information centers funded in part through grants from EPA. We build networks, deliver P2 information, and measure P2 program results.
Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center encourages adoption of pollution prevention (P2) practices by businesses, and works with technical assistance providers to promote P2 and environmental management. Peaks to Prairies is operated by Montana State University Extension in cooperation with EPA Region 8 states (CO, MT ND, SD, UT and WY) and offers access to current P2 information and contacts, encourages collaboration and leveraging of resources between states and programs, and distributes quality P2 information through websites, listservs, and presentations.
Peaks to Prairies is part of the P2RX™ national network of regional centers dedicated to improving the dissemination of pollution prevention information in the service provider community. http://peakstoprairies.org/
Sustainable Business Webinar series